Tuesday, December 19, 2006


i am going to try my best not to be cryptic.

invisibility: i have fought myself so hard, fought myself for something. i fight to keep from disappearing entirely, which is threatening to occur at the most rapid of paces.
this is how i feel, and it is honest, and it is real- place no judgements upon it, upon what i will say; do not administer your opinions upon my words and my most wretched sorry thoughts, your plastic stickers of bad or good, real or lies. this is how i feel and have felt and you cannot argue it away from me.

i feel: i could look you in the face and claw at your hands, your clothes, and scream and scream until my voice breaks but you, anybody, would never hear me. i am treading water right below you and you do not see me. i feel i have done these things and i have still, always, hopelessly, been Invisible.

i am that person who will never forget anybody but i am also the person most easily forgotten.
when i see you in your pain, with your sorrow and hurts, i destroy myself for them, for you. because i love you and i want you to be free from them, for ever.
maybe this is the plight of the Invisible: i am here to shoulder your pain, those things you cannot bear, and i will do it all so happily, and i will die beneath them, as long as you have hope for yourself. because you, you deserve it; i love you and have always loved you.

read this and condemn me, hate me, spew your loathing and contempt at me. i don't care anymore, i can't do anything on my own behalf. i give up. i am here for that express and clear purpose: to absorb all of those things away from you, because i deserve them, and you don't.


rOmiLaYu said...

except that maybe...just maybe.... no one deserves anything, but some of us are just saddled with it instead of others through no sense of deservedness at all, but through a sense of capability?

I thought about you last night and was going to call but I know how much you abhor the telephone so I didn't. You are not forgotten.

dyrector said...

No, you are not forgotten. If Blogspot had "footprints" like Xanga, then I think you might be pleasantly surprised to see how many people drop in regularly to see if you have anything new posted. Nor are you invisible; maybe just a bit inaccessible — in some different ways on different levels — at times. But aren't we all?